Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized | Original Fare in France | PBS Food

Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized | Original Fare in France | PBS Food

The debate over raw milk in America is impacting the production of chevre in France. See how pasteurizing affects goat cheese and e explore the tough decision facing French cheesemakers about…

Organic Pastures Raw Milk is Back!

Organic Pastures Raw Milk is Back!

Re-Opening Day at the LA Hub Store for Organic Pastures Dairy. Mark McAfee and Elaina Luther and other customers and supporters give thanks and testimonials for Organic Pastures Raw Dairy and…

Raw Vegan Infant Milks!  Nutritionally Complete! Formula & Cow Milk Substitute

Raw Vegan Infant Milks! Nutritionally Complete! Formula & Cow Milk Substitute

Weaning your Child? What are your options? ***************************************************** BOOKS! http://www.SpiritLifeForever.com/Books ****************************************************… Video Rating: 4 / 5

Huge Business Opportunities with Goats’ milk

Huge Business Opportunities with Goats’ milk

Huge Business Opportunities with Goats’ milk The need for nutritious goats’ milk is increasing on a daily basis and rearing of goats is becoming a good medium and small scale business to go for. Have you ever thought of earning from rearing business, away from the city at a calm place? You must be wondering, […]

Raw Milk a Health Hazard? Mark McAfee

Raw Milk a Health Hazard? Mark McAfee

Mark McAfee, founder of the Raw Milk Institute, exposes the truth about unprocessed milk in Canada. Sponsored by BCHerdshare.ca. Video Rating: 5 / 5

Peanut Butter Diet

Peanut Butter Diet

Peanut Butter Diet Peanut butter is a craving most have because it was widely accepted as being bad for people who want to lose weight. Peanut butter also has 3 mg of vitamin E, a valuable antioxidant vitamin and 0.17 mg of vitamin B6 to boost your immunity.  Its 49 mg of magnesium helps to […]

Ron Lofgren on Raw Milk and the Decline of Dairy Farms – Part 2 of 2

Ron Lofgren on Raw Milk and the Decline of Dairy Farms – Part 2 of 2

At a symposium in support of the Estrella Family Creamery held on February 26, 2011, Ron Lofgren talks about his lifelong consumption of raw milk, the disappearance of dairy farms in Grays…

Making Kefir From Raw Milk (Organic Pastures)- Great for Smoothies!

Making Kefir From Raw Milk (Organic Pastures)- Great for Smoothies!

Enjoy milk in your smoothies? Then you can’t go wrong throwing in a little homemade kefir in your Vitamix or Nutribullet! If you have access to raw milk, like that of Organic Pastures of… Video Rating: 5 / 5

Dressing For Raw Vegetable Salad

Dressing For Raw Vegetable Salad

Ingredients: white wine vinegar, sugar, crisco, seasoning, salt, mustard powder Recipe Link | Similar Recipes

2013 bull calf Gramen Farm raw dairy

2013 bull calf Gramen Farm raw dairy

New bull calf. Video Rating: 5 / 5
