Goat Milk – Milk Health Benefits
Goat Milk – Milk Health Benefits
The 1st. of June every year is a very special day when the whole world comes together to celebrate the goodness of milk and its importance as a global food source. Started by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2001, the recognition of the World Milk Day continues to grow as it is celebrated by more and more countries every year. Nothing compares to the goodness of milk.
It is the best source for calcium and vitamin D – two nutrients essential for building strong bones and teeth. It is also rich in protein which is important for building and repairing body tissues. In fact, milk is regarded as one of the most nutritionally complete foods available on our planet and has been part of the human diet for thousands of years.
A growing number of studies have shown that milk, when consumed as part of a healthy balanced diet, provides several health benefits:
It helps provide protection against bone diseases like osteoporosis
It helps reduce high blood pressure
It helps lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases
It helps reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer
It helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
To obtain the same amount of calcium from a 200ml glass of milk, you would need to consume four servings of broccoli, or seven and a half slices of white bread, 11 servings of spinach, or 15 servings of red kidney beans. So celebrate the goodness of milk.
Daily cows produce the greatest amount of world milk supply mostly from developed countries. It is a vital sector of agricultural businesses in developed countries of the Mediterranean region such as France, Italy, Spain and Greece because production of milk and its product of cheeses and yogurt are also a valued part of the total dairy industry in developed countries,
Production of goat milk is equally important in countries of the underdeveloped world, where it provides basic nutrition and subsistence to the rural people, which are the majority of their populations, and milk is important in the prevention of under nutrition and malnutrition, since milk is the superior source of calcium and protein,
Goats milk is also great for your skin because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins as well as high in lactic acid which helps exfoliate dead skin cells and soften your skin. Thus, goat milk serves in a general way four types of market around the world, such as (1) Home Consumption, (2) Specialty gourmet interests, (3) Medical needs, and (4) Cosmetic goat milk products. So celebrate the goodness of milk yearly on World Milk Day.
Charmaine Lim is an expert author of Goat Milk and owner of http://www.aboutgoatmilk.info