Dr. John Grill, DDS

Biological and Holistic Dentistry of Tennessee

My name is Dr. John Grill and I love a well-informed patient. I very much appreciate the time and effort people take to learn about Integrative Dentistry. Why? Because everyone’s health and the health of their family is, in the end, the patient’s responsibility. Our office is here to support you in your health journey.

Most people who seek out my office are interested in health and wellness. My patients have told me that Biological Dentistry is the right path for them.

Many of them have studied and read about this dental approach. Some days I think the patients know more than I do in certain aspects.

Conveniently located in the downtown Franklin, TN area, our office is a mercury-free and mercury-safe Biological and Holistic Dentistry clinic.

We offer not only a mercury-free environment, but also a flouride-free one as well. You and your family can relax knowing that no toxic products are utilized by any care provider here. Your hygienist is experienced in the traditional scaling & polishing of your teeth, as well as in deep scaling and the use of oral ozone therapies.

Have a look at the list of our services below.

I am excited to welcome you to Biological and Holistic Dentistry of Tennessee and we look forward to working together with you to find your best dental and overall health!

Biological and Holistic Dentistry of Tennessee
Dr. John Grill, DDS
website: www.BioDentistryTN.com

Contact email: frontdesk@biodentistrytn.com


A health consultant, speaker, and copywriter, Shawn Day is also the president of Tennesseans For Raw Milk and the Nashville/Brentwood/Franklin Chapter Leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation. She is a consultant and nationwide influencer for people on health and wellness issues and has been in the industry for more than 20 years.